Libra Dishcloth, and Libra 101

This is my favorite season! Welcome to the Days of Libra! I have a bit of a running joke in my house, that I collect Libras. My mother, my daughter, my partner, our High Priestess, my best friend, my boss, several good friend/co workers…all Libras. So, if I spend a little more time here, it’s reasonable.

When I was first starting on my path of incense making, I had a beloved Libra (my HPS) tell me…”Incense in magical use, doesn’t have to smell good to be effective. But why shouldn’t it?” I loved her point. And leave it to a Libra to point out that beauty is important no matter what you’re doing. The beauty of an incense that is crafted with the scent in mind, and not simply the magical associations that are appropriate. So good!

The season of our beloved Libra, runs from about September 19th, through October 21.

The nature of Libra is Cardinal Air (Rushing Wind) and it’s color is green.

Libran Godforms are Ma’at, and Vulcan.

Rituals involving works of justice and equillibrium, Karma, and Reincarnation are the bailiwick of Libra.

Her precious stone is the Emerald and she is ruled by Venus.

Libra’s perfume is Galbanum, and her vegetable drug is Tobacco.

Libra rules the lower back, Kidneys, Ovaries, and Testes as well as the skin.

Some of the plant associations of Libra are Aloes, Pennyroyal, Violet, Thyme, Feverfew, Catnip, Silverweed, Angelica, Uva Ursi, Burdock, White Roses, Strawberries, Apples, Cherries, Primrose, and Pansy.

Charming, Social, Romantic, and Elegant are a few of the things we think about with a Libra Sun. They sometimes can be seen as non committal, or unable to make a decision, but to be fair it’s because they can see equally, all sides of a given situation. They are passionately concerned with justice and equality. They love to share ideas with like minds, and find balanced approaches to difficult situations.

Love, Harmony, Beauty, and the arts flourish when the Moon is in Libra. It is the most auspicious period for entering into partnerships and marriages, and people are more cooperative. Artistic creativity is strong, and romance/pleasure are more rewarding here.

I’m sure you can see why I love my Libra’s so much! I hope you enjoy this free knit pattern for a Libra Dishcloth! If you would like to offer a gratuity for my work, I am always humbled and thankful. Cashapp $loveofthedark

With worsted weight cotton yarn, using a US 2.5 needle, (Or whatever needle you need to get a good firm gauge), using the long tail, or the backwards loop method, cast on 37stitches. The first and last 3 stitches of every row, are k,p,k. Work in Seed stitch for 3 rows. (K1, P1, across the row, on both sides).
Begin the pattern by following the chart. On the right side, empty stitches are knit, and blaqck or dotted stitches are purled. On the wrong side, Empty stitches are purls, and black or dotted stitches are knits.
I bind off in the standard way, but feel free to play around with it to suit your needs.

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