Capricorn 101 and a freebie!

Hi everyone! Welcome to Capricorn season, which runs from roughly December 22 through January 21. This is the sign of practicality, discipline, and determination. If there is one statement that best sums up the Capricorn sun, it would have to be “Life is about family first, and self sufficiency always.” As a Capricorn myself, I can say some things I’ve found to be true are:

  1. We love lists.
  2. We are punctual and we don’t appreciate having our time wasted.
  3. Family above all.
  4. We’re all about self sufficiency and detest having to rely on others.
  5. Our first instinct about a person is usually correct.
  6. Our pride may be stronger than even Leo’s.

Man, that looks so stuck up when it’s written out. Meh, it is what it is! 😀

Capricorns nature is Cardinal Earth (Mountains) and our Color is Blue-Violet.

Our Godforms are Pan, Vesta, Bacchus, Priapus, Set, and Saturn.

Capricorns tarot cards are The Devil, and the King of Pentacles.

Capricorn is a good sign for rituals involving the Evil eye, Black Magic, Curses, Sabbats, Talismans, Evocations and Sex Magic.

Our precious stone is the Black Diamond, and we are ruled by Saturn.

Capricorns perfume is Musk and Civet, and our vegetable drug is Satyrion and Ragwort.

The knees, hair, and joints are ruled by Capricorn.

Plant associations of Capricorn are Indian Hemp, Orchis root, Thistle, Comfrey, Horsetail, Knotgrass, Slippery Elm, Thuja, Shepherd’s Purse, Wintergreen, Thyme, Henbane, Nightshades, and Poppy.

If your moon is in Capricorn, Dignity and the desire for success are key words, but so are pessimism and depression. Life may seem to be an uphill struggle, and material concerns may take front and center in your mind. There is a trend toward conservatism and moderation. Be mindful of your insensitivity, as it can be seen as cruel by others. Find a good fitness routine as well, as energy can be sluggish.

As I have perhaps shown here, we tend to also be really hard on ourselves and while I’ve definitely shown the darker side of Capricorn, also know that we are extremely loyal to our friends. We are responsible, trustworthy, and will literally give you the shirts off our backs if you are in need. We love our friends very deeply and we would do anything in our power to help them in their time of need.

I hope you enjoy this free knit pattern for a Capricorn themed dishcloth!

If you would like to offer a gratuity for my work, I am always humbled and thankful. Cashapp $loveofthedark

With worsted weight cotton yarn, using a US 2.5 needle, (Or whatever needle you need to get a good firm gauge), using the long tail, or the backwards loop method, cast on 37stitches. The first and last 3 stitches of every row, are k,p,k. Work in Seed stitch for 3 rows. (K1, P1, across the row, on both sides).
Begin the pattern by following the chart. On the right side, empty stitches are knit, and black or dotted stitches are purled. On the wrong side, Empty stitches are purls, and black or dotted stitches are knits.
I bind off in the standard way, but feel free to play around with it to suit your needs.

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