A chunky lovey Art Junk Journal

Ohhh how I want to keep this beauty! She is a romantic journal, left largely undecorated so you can add in pages and ephemera to make her your own vision. Goth her up, antique her out, or take her sappy sweet valentine. She’s so customizable, you’re gonna flip.

Shes got pockets, tip-ins, fold-outs, origami, and ephemera tags and bits to keep inside, or use in other projects. She features lace edgings throughout, and plenty of writing/drawing space. Love her well, and she will love you back. If you wanna feed her and make her extra chubby, there is room for 2 additional signatures between her already plump folds!

At the end of the post, I will include a video flip through, for your enjoyment! (ahem…as soon as my darn computer finishes uploading the thing!)

She is roughly 9×6, give or take a few millimeters. Lovely antiqued book corners to keep her front and back cover all safe and sound.

She THICC! Three chonky fat signatures stuffed with goodies, but with enough space between them that there could be 2 more added, should you want to feed her and make her really bulge!

A few little bitty bells on her bookmark make a delightful sound as she moves.

part Art journal, part junk journal. Lots of scrapbook papers, and also some magazine tear outs and coffee stained papers.

Several special bits of lovely ephemera to keep inside, or to use in your other projects, or to trade!

Ribbon and lace edges throughout!

She comes with an extra mini journal in the back, made of all of the papers inside the main book!

I hope you enjoy her. She is now available at my shop! shop.loveofthedark.com

Here is the link to the flip through: https://www.dropbox.com/scl/fi/hxwj2z6syudq12xpdarhk/20240521_172504.mp4?rlkey=2gfd9nq97fdnuwaugykce4kwi&st=t9kfqbyu&dl=0