Fall Equinox Dishcloth

Lots of folks call this holiday Mabon. That’s fine, it’s not accurate, but I honestly don’t really care. The name Mabon is neither ancient, or even historically accurate, but it is the Fall Equinox regardless. Also known as the second harvest. More feasting, bread making, apple and grape picking are things we like to do this time of year. The hours of Day and Night are equal now, and nights will quickly start to grow longer, and the days cooler. I hope you enjoy this dishcloth that is easily textured with simple beginner stitches, the symbol of the Autumnal Equinox.

If you would like to offer a gratuity for my work, I am always humbled and thankful. Cashapp $loveofthedark


With worsted weight cotton yarn, using a us 2.5 needle, (Or whatever needle you need to get a good firm gauge)

Cast on 37 stitches. The first and last 3 stitches of each row will be k,p,k.

Work in seed stitch (k1, p1, across row) for 3 rows.

Begin pattern by following chart. On right sides, empty stitches are knits, and black stitches are purls. On wrong sides, Empty stitches are purls, and black stitches are knits.

I bind off in the standard way, but feel free to play with it.

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