Lughnassadh Dishcloth

Also called Lammas (Though that is the Christianized bastardization of the word as well as the holy day), This holiday marks the first harvest, and is observed on August 1st. It is the first of the Harvest festivals, and has a lot of wonderful history. It marks the beginning of the descent of the sun into the dark of winter, and the time when the Green Man sacrifices himself for the continuation of Humanity. There is the first ritual cutting of the grain, a great feast, and much merriment.

Please enjoy this dishcloth which is knitted up with the symbol of Lughnassadh in simple, beginner friendly textured stitches. If you would like to offer a gratuity for my work, I am always humbled and thankful. Cashapp $loveofthedark


With worsted weight cotton yarn, using a us 2.5 needle, (Or whatever needle you need to get a good firm gauge)

Cast on 37 stitches. The first and last 3 stitches of each row will be k,p,k.

Work in seed stitch (k1, p1, across row) for 3 rows.

Begin pattern by following chart. On right sides, empty stitches are knits, and black stitches are purls. On wrong sides, Empty stitches are purls, and black stitches are knits.

I bind off in the standard way, but feel free to play with it.

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